Affiliate Agreement

If you decided to promote Convertain as an affiliate, we encourage you to take some time and read our Affiliate Agreement. We compiled the Affiliate Agreement to regulate our relationship with our affiliates and make sure that both parties are treated with fairness and respect.

If you have any questions about our affiliate program or the Affiliate Agreement, don't hesitate to reach out to our support.

As a business owner, you may know how challenging it can be to keep your legal documents up to date and compliant with all the laws and regulations, especially if you don't have a dedicated legal department. We're using a service called Iubenda to help us with this.

Iubenda will not create an Affiliate Agreement for you, but you could rely on it in a lot of other cases like creating and keeping updated Privacy and Cookie Policy, Terms and Conditions, consent and cookie solution, and so much more. If you're curious to learn more about Iubenda, check it out here.